Latest Past Events

Family Treatment Courts for Families Affected by Substance Use Disorders


Family treatment courts, also known as family drug courts, use a multidisciplinary approach to serve families who enter the child welfare system due to familial substance use disorders. They're relatively new to West Virginia and currently only run in certain counties. Join us to learn about where they are, what Read more…

Project Update: Kids and the Drug Crisis


In 2020, Think Kids launched a new initiative to better address the unmet needs of kids affected by the drug epidemic on the community level. It's a grassroots, ground-up approach to the continuing challenges our kids face— issues often left unaddressed. While our focus is on a six-county area— Boone, Read more…


Try These Five Things


How can communities help address the needs of kids affected by the drug crisis? They can try these five things-- identified and prioritized by you. Help us articulate these ideas into a final report that we'll widely disseminate within our communities and with policymakers.

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