As nonprofit closes its doors, it supports organizations advocating for kids in the Mountain State.
CHARLESTON, West Virginia – Think Kids announces a $10,000 donation to Mission West Virginia to support its work to promote awareness and help families navigate the foster/adoption processes, including relative care providers.
Mission West Virginia has been serving the children and families of West Virginia for over 25 years. Among their many projects, they recruit foster families, provide life skills education to adolescents and teens, and create community support and connections for receptive families, especially those providing foster and kinship care.
For the last four years, Think Kids has served West Virginia as a statewide data-driven, community-led advocacy organization, based in Charleston. But now, as its founder and executive director relocates out of state, the organization is donating its remaining resources to organizations that provide effective programs and services to help keep West Virginia’s kids safe, healthy, and aspiring to do great things.
Kelli Caseman, Executive Director of Think Kids, has long considered Mission West Virginia to be one of the state’s best nonprofit organizations serving this important demographic. “As we close down our organization, Think Kids has decided to donate its remaining funds to local nonprofits that not only demonstrate a deep commitment to their communities, but also produce positive results documented by data. We have some of the worst health disparities, yet we are fortunate to have some of the best organizations in our communities that offer effective solutions. Mission West Virginia embodies the best our state has to offer in supporting children and families, and we are confident that our modest donation will be used in impactful ways by its dedicated staff.”
For Mission West Virginia’s Executive Director, Kelly Thompson, the donation from a fellow nonprofit is a unique recognition for their achievements over the years. “For years, Mission West Virginia has relied on the invaluable work of Think Kids to keep us informed and educated about children’s well-being in West Virginia. We have greatly benefited from their advocacy and networking efforts across the state. Their absence will certainly leave a significant void in this field. When I learned that we were chosen to receive this donation, I felt immense gratitude. It is a tremendous compliment to our work and mission to receive support from another nonprofit, especially one that has always worked alongside us to support those we serve. As always, we will manage these funds with the utmost care and strive to bridge the gaps for our children and families.”
For more information about Think Kids, please contact Kelli Caseman at 304.444.5917 or kelli@thinkkidswv.org. For more information about Mission West Virginia contact Kelly Thompson at kthompson@missionwv.org.
About Think Kids
Think Kids is a statewide nonprofit organization that advocates for the health and well-being of West Virginia’s kids. We use data-driven advocacy to ensure that generations of children grow up safe, healthy, and aspire to do great things. A better West Virginia begins with its kids. Visit our website, our publication site, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter.
About Mission West Virginia
Mission West Virginia changes the lives of youth and families. They promote positive futures by recruiting foster families, providing life skills education, and creating community connections. Their vision is “One people, one state, working together to provide every child with a loving family and the knowledge to make positive choices for a healthier future.” Visit their website and follow them on social media: Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.