Believing that the wide array of perspectives resulting from diversity and inclusion allows all organizations to be more effective, Think Kids is committed to diversity in all aspects of its mission and activities and at all levels of the organization, including its Board of Directors. We value diversity and support the election and appointment of diverse candidates to the Board. We believe that having directors of diverse gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and ages along with varied skills, perspectives and experiences, contributes to a balanced and effective Board — one that is well-positioned to address the changing needs of the organization and the communities and children we serve. We are committed to administering a board election process that encourages and promotes the consideration of diverse candidates. Additionally, we consider diversity, among other factors, when nominating and approving individuals for open board positions. 

The Board of Directors also supports diversity and inclusion in its programming and staff. We value diversity in these areas of our organization to better reflect the demographics, serve the unique culture of the children and community we serve, and provide services that are welcoming, inclusive, and culturally responsive. 

We seek to encourage all boards and advocates for children to embrace these principles as a matter of fairness and effectiveness in our communities and greater nonprofit sector.

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