In West Virginia in 2019, 46.9% of the Mountain State’s children were enrolled in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Georgetown University Center for Children and Families estimates that 3.5% of WV’s children did not have health insurance in 2019, representing an increase of 44% since 2016.
For the next three years, Think Kids will work with a great group of partners to provide enrollment and renewal assistance to children and pregnant women in Medicaid and CHIP to shore up potential holes in the insurance safety net.
To do this, we use a three-prong strategy, supported by project staff and data management and technical support specialists:
Many thanks to the notable West Virginians and community-based outreach coordinators who have lent their time and talents to support the project. Every child, parent-to-be, and family member needs quality, comprehensive health insurance.