What Do You Know About Handle With Care?


Join us on our YouTube channel on Feb 22 at 12 pm for a chat with Andrea Darr, Director of the WV Center for Children's Justice and Manager of the Handle With Care WV​ program, and with coordinators who implement the program from around the state. We'll take your questions, Read more…


Trauma-Informed Schools in WV


Trauma-informed schools are places that provide safe and supportive environments for children to learn and for school staff to work. What do you know about trauma-informed schools in West Virginia? Join us for a conversation about how schools across counties in WV are working to address trauma— the challenges, what's Read more…

What About the Little Ones? NAS in West Virginia


Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is a group of conditions caused when a baby withdraws from certain drugs that they are exposed to in the womb before birth. West Virginia has the highest rate in the country of babies born with NAS or drug-exposed. The toll it's taking on these children, Read more…

Project Update: Kids and the Drug Crisis


In 2020, Think Kids launched a new initiative to better address the unmet needs of kids affected by the drug epidemic on the community level. It's a grassroots, ground-up approach to the continuing challenges our kids face— issues often left unaddressed. While our focus is on a six-county area— Boone, Read more…


Family Treatment Courts for Families Affected by Substance Use Disorders


Family treatment courts, also known as family drug courts, use a multidisciplinary approach to serve families who enter the child welfare system due to familial substance use disorders. They're relatively new to West Virginia and currently only run in certain counties. Join us to learn about where they are, what Read more…

Health and Hunger Summit Session 2: Can youth help build a better network?


Most of our community pantries, soup kitchens, and backpack programs are staffed by older volunteers who are at heightened risk of COVID-19 and sometimes perform strenuous tasks without assistance. How can we cultivate a network of younger volunteers to help sustain the important work communities do and learn the benefits Read more…


Health and Hunger Summit Session 3: Can we fix the transportation challenge?


West Virginia, like most rural states, lacks public transportation in its rural communities. People without cars or money for gas, insurance, and repairs often have trouble accessing services and programs, including grocery stores, food pantries, and health care. In this session, we'll talk to the directors of our state's food Read more…


Advocate for Kids! Become a CASA Volunteer


YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/Omhnvtl7w0c Who you are, where you are, with what you have to give-- that's all the kids in West Virginia need from you. And that's all you need to give to become an amazing advocate! Some of our children face seemingly insurmountable challenges, but the compassion of loving Read more…


Trauma-Informed Schools: A Community Discussion

Join us at the Raymer Center in Martinsburg for a conversation about the concept of trauma-informed schools: How do Berkeley County schools provide trauma-informed care? What's the role of community-based partners? What are the successes, challenges, and recommendations for improvement? Refreshments will be provided. Contact Kelli at kelli@thinkkidswv.org for details. Read more…

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